Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So I volunteered to help out at a fundraiser for St.Baldricks it and organization that helps raise awareness for childhood cancers. People will sign up to shave their head and will ask for people to sponsor them. I have been wearing scarves & wigs this whole time. So I thought what better place to show off my fresh short new hair They gave me a lil shout out!! Go watch it!!

(After hitting play, hit pause so it can load all the way)


Tiffany said...

The video didn't work! Your hair looks so cute!

N&WOdom said...

I have to agree with Tiff, you look amazing no matter what!! Short or long.... YOU ARE AMAZING! love you

Britt and Dylan said...

How fun! WISH I could have been there ;(

You look beeeeeautiful with your "fresh" new style ;)

Chris & Jessi said...

Hey Tara, how the heck are you doing? Well, actually you sound like you are doing well. I just wanted to say HI and you look absolutely amazing! Good work!